I've been so lax in updating this blog that nobody tagged me for this meme. If someone had tagged me, I would link back to them. I saw jd's list at his fine site Radiator Heaven and decided to follow suit. This is called the 20 Men I Admire Meme. It originated at The Dino Lounge. Tag 5 other people to participate in this meme. Be sure to post the above rules and follow them when constructing your list.
Steve at the Last Picture Show doesn't seem to have been tagged so I am tagging him. I'm also tagging Pam at Scarlett Cinema. If you do participate, please provide a link back to my site. And, if you choose, send a link to list back to Keith at the Dino Lounge.
A mix of living and dead, but mostly dead, these are in no particular order:

Ennio Morricone

Howard Hawks

Rouben Mamoulian

David Byrne

Ernst Lubitsch

Warren Oates

Burt Lancaster

Robert Mitchum

John Garfield

Giorgio Moroder

Richard Pryor

Budd Boetticher

Andy Gill & Jon King (Gang of Four)

Brian & Dennis Wilson

Lee Marvin

Jack Nitzsche

Arthur Lee

Sean Penn
Wow, great eclectic list! I really dug your inclusion of both David Byrne and Jack Nitzsche. I admire both of those guys too. In fact, I was just watching CUTTER'S WAY a couple of nights ago, which, as you know, features a haunting score by Nitzsche.
Thanks for participating in this. I loved your list. You can a good mix up of men. Everybody from Richard Pryor to Lee Marvin. I really enjoyed checking out your list. Great job. Cheers!
J.D. & Keith: Thanks for the compliments. These types of lists are a lot of fun to compile.
I just watched CUTTER'S WAY again recently as well. Great score, indeed, portions of which can be heard on Nitzsche's THREE PIECE SUITE compilation put out by Rhino Handmade.
Here's a link for a well done DVD rip of the complete score:
Thanks for that link. I think you might have listed that before but I had forgotten to check it out. I will definitely be giving it a listen.
Enjoy, J.D.
BTW, anyone have any idea how to get ALL pictures that one posts on Blogger to show up as separate pages when they are clicked on? This works on some of my posts, but not on all.
what a relief to find this score! i take it, given the commercial disaster the film was, that the score was never formally released?
Glad you enjoyed the CUTTER'S WAY score...that is what you were referring to, correct? I'm not sure why exactly it wasn't officially released as an LP, but I'm sure it had something to do with it being deemed not profitable enough. It's also not an easy listen in the way the most popular John Williams scores are. In general, the '80s were not known as a good time for the release of film scores on LP.
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