Sequence of frames for my favorite '70s /'80s-era studio logo. This one looks like it should open a Hong Kong action extravaganza. I first saw it on my laserdisc of Blow Out. It was accompanied by the sound of a heartbeat, part of Jack Terry's (John Travolta) sound mix of the film-within-a-film Coed Frenzy. I was disappointed when the DVD of Blow Out replaced this logo with a latter-era Orion logo. Filmways and Orion merged in 1983. As far as I can tell, Summer Lovers was the last Filmways feature film and the last one to use this logo. It was present in a 16mm print that I ran, but it is not on the DVD or recent cable broadcasts of the film. These captures come from the MGM-HD broadcast of Blow Out. You can read the history of Filmways here.
Shut, when was BLOW OUT on MGMHD??
Don't get too worked up, bobfreelander. This was in 2008 sometime. I'm sure it will show up again on MGM-HD.
very cool, it looks great(at least from the logo)! Glad I didnt miss it recently!
Hey, the Filmways Logo was also on The Criterion Collection Edition of BLOW OUT on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Indeed, I was very happy to see it on the Criterion edition.
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