I love the Columbia Pictures logo in all its permutations even the "Lady-less" mid-70s - early-'80s one pictured above. Interestingly, the Lady-less design didn't last long, in spite of the quote in the caption about the difficulties the marketing department apparently encountered with the lady.
Incidentally, the Philly soul band First Choice had a hit album on the R & B charts in 1976 entitled "So Let Us Entertain You." The album opened with the marvelous "First Choice Theme," with a chorus of "Let us entertain you," which hit #5 on the Disco Charts and #4 on the Dance Charts and which went through my head when I saw this clipping.
They updated the lady again in the early-mid 1990s. Every time I see her, I think of Annette Benning because it looks just like her.
I loved the Columbia logo circa GHOSTBUSTERS and every time I watch the film, geek out when I see it. There's something oddly comforting about it.
Yeah, Columbia went with a more stately, classic logo beginning around that time you mentioned and, yes, she does resemble Ms. Bening.
Yes, I love that '80s Columbia logo, which appeared on some of my favorites growing up, including: GHOSTBUSTERS, THE KARATE KID, STRIPES, HEAVY METAL, and ROXANNE.
Columbia's immediately preceding logo, which the above announcement heralds, was brilliantly tweaked for THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY, wherein Lady Columbia becomes animated and dances to the opening strains of the title song.
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