Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Trailer Not on the DVD: Night Shift (1982, Ron Howard)

Just found another, high quality trailer for Night Shift!  This appears to be a teaser, with completely unique footage shot specifically for it.  I'm guessing the teaser does not appear on the DVD because of its use of "Jumpin' Jack Flash".  Stars Henry Winkler and Michael Keaton appear in the video and the v.o. artist's voice is very familiar, but I'm not certain of his identity; I'm sure a reader here will be able to fill in that blank.

"Ronnie" is interviewed in 1982, during the initial release of Night Shift, by Dallas entertainment reporter Bobbie Wygant.  She focuses quite a bit on the "nude scenes" and whether Howard had discomfort filming them.  There is some priceless raw footage of Ms. Wygant re-stating questions and practicing her laughs and reactions following Howard's exit.


Tiffany Perez-King said...

Thanks for this man. I love Night Shift ( that and Splash) and this period of flicks. And I LOVE the Bobbie Wygant link and clip. I found her while looking for interviews with Boggy and oh my gosh it's a gold mine, Gracias for the trailer. Shelly Long was foxy once!

Ned Merrill said...

Did you actually MEET this Bobbie Wygant? Seems like a character from another time and place...she seemed so even in '82 where she can't totally get over the nudity and other vulgarities in NIGHT SHIFT.

Tiffany Perez-King said...

No brother, i did not. I just discovered, as i'm sure many have, this treasure trove of her interviews online. But she is a Netflix doc waiting to happen.

Ned Merrill said...

I guess I should look for more of those interviews...good call about the doc.